Friday Night Lights


Buzz Bissinger

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on Friday Night Lights makes teaching easy.

Will Bates Character Analysis

Gary Edwards’ algebra teacher, Bates initially awards Edwards a failing grade, which causes the chain of court rulings resulting in that grade being lifted to above a 70. Bates, for his part, is “moved” to the middle school, where is no longer in charge of Dallas football players’ grades—thus ensuring that Carter High can continue to dominate on the field, without fear of academic “meddling.”

Will Bates Quotes in Friday Night Lights

The Friday Night Lights quotes below are all either spoken by Will Bates or refer to Will Bates. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Football Theme Icon
Chapter 15: The Algebraic Equation Quotes

Will Bates was drummed out of Carter and reassigned to teach industrial arts in a middle school. He was given an unsatisfactory evaluation rating, placed on probation for a year, and had his salary frozen. And, of course, he was forbidden to teach and to prevent further threats to the sanctity of football.

Related Characters: Buzz Bissinger (speaker), Will Bates
Page Number: 335
Explanation and Analysis:
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Will Bates Quotes in Friday Night Lights

The Friday Night Lights quotes below are all either spoken by Will Bates or refer to Will Bates. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Football Theme Icon
Chapter 15: The Algebraic Equation Quotes

Will Bates was drummed out of Carter and reassigned to teach industrial arts in a middle school. He was given an unsatisfactory evaluation rating, placed on probation for a year, and had his salary frozen. And, of course, he was forbidden to teach and to prevent further threats to the sanctity of football.

Related Characters: Buzz Bissinger (speaker), Will Bates
Page Number: 335
Explanation and Analysis: