Half Broke Horses


Jeannette Walls

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The patriarch of the remote Mormon town of Main Street where Lily briefly teaches. When Lily tries to teach the local girls that there is more to life than churning out babies, Uncle Eli threatens to get her fired. He later comes to Lily’s house in an attempt to scare her off, but she shoots her gun past his head and says if he returns again she won’t miss. The sheriff is called, and Lily’s contract is not renewed.
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Uncle Eli Character Timeline in Half Broke Horses

The timeline below shows where the character Uncle Eli appears in Half Broke Horses. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 6
Women’s Strength in a Man’s World Theme Icon
Poverty and the American Dream Theme Icon
Fate vs. Self-Reliance  Theme Icon
The local patriarch, Uncle Eli , scolds Lily for teaching the girls “worldly ways,” and says the town will shun... (full context)