It Can’t Happen Here

It Can’t Happen Here


Sinclair Lewis

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“The Great War” is another common term for World War I.
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Great War Term Timeline in It Can’t Happen Here

The timeline below shows where the term Great War appears in It Can’t Happen Here. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1
American Fascism Theme Icon
Liberalism and Tolerance Theme Icon
Political Communication and Mass Media Theme Icon
Mrs. Gimmitch is next. Back during the Great War , the narrator notes, she fought to send canaries to American soldiers. Today, she spends... (full context)
Chapter 2
American Fascism Theme Icon
Liberalism and Tolerance Theme Icon
...tendencies in American life, including the dictatorial Louisiana governor Huey Long, hysterical nationalism during the Great War , and lynching and the KKK. But R.C. Crowley declares that Windrip would give bankers... (full context)
Chapter 12
American Fascism Theme Icon
Liberalism and Tolerance Theme Icon
...convincing: he cracks several jokes, tells a story about a wise carrier pigeon in the Great War , and then introduces Buzz Windrip. The crowd goes wild as a group of Minute... (full context)
Chapter 17
American Fascism Theme Icon
...salaries on top of their almost limitless “expense money.” Thousands of National Guard members and Great War veterans are signing up, and Lee Sarason is creating Minute Men battalions at every college... (full context)
Chapter 19
American Fascism Theme Icon
Liberalism and Tolerance Theme Icon
Morality and Resistance Theme Icon
...he has cured their “unmentionable diseases.”) Greenhill tells the judges about his service in the Great War and declares that Jessup, the town’s “most honest and useful man,” ought to be free.... (full context)