The Dispossessed


Ursula K. Le Guin

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Archist Term Analysis

The opposite of an anarchist. Shevek refers to many Urrasti as “archists,” who attempt to stamp out revolution and contrarian thought.
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Archist Term Timeline in The Dispossessed

The timeline below shows where the term Archist appears in The Dispossessed. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 6
Freedom Theme Icon
The Failure of Utopian Ideals Theme Icon
Humility and Moderation vs. Ego and Excess Theme Icon
Individualism and Isolation vs. Collectivism and Solidarity Theme Icon
The People vs. the State Theme Icon
...Anarresti society is designed to stifle the individual mind. Bedap sees the PDC as an archist bureaucracy, which has contributed to the spiritual suffering of many Anarresti. After sitting in silence... (full context)
Chapter 12
Individualism and Isolation vs. Collectivism and Solidarity Theme Icon
...good Odonians, [the Benbili would] hitchhike on one of the freighters.” Bedap wonders if the archists on Urras would even let the anarchists leave, and says he is very curious to... (full context)
The Failure of Utopian Ideals Theme Icon
Humility and Moderation vs. Ego and Excess Theme Icon
Individualism and Isolation vs. Collectivism and Solidarity Theme Icon being against Odonian ideals and says that they are behaving “in the way that archist critics always predicted people would behave in a society without laws: with total irresponsibility towards... (full context)