The Wretched of the Earth


Frantz Fanon

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on The Wretched of the Earth makes teaching easy.
A 30-year-old European police officer and another patient of Fanon’s during the Algerian War of Independence. R is tasked with torturing Algerians for the French, and he has taken to beating his wife and children as well. R won’t quit his job, but he is hoping that therapy will allow him to stop abusing his family and do his job without guilt. R is an example of the rampant violence of colonialism and the mental disorders that plague those who are involved.
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R Character Timeline in The Wretched of the Earth

The timeline below shows where the character R appears in The Wretched of the Earth. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 5: Series A
Colonialism, Racism, and Violence Theme Icon
Oppression and Mental Health Theme Icon
Case number five is R, a 30-year-old European police officer who tortures his wife and children. He complains of loss... (full context)