A Birthday Summary & Analysis
by Christina Rossetti

A Birthday Summary & Analysis
by Christina Rossetti

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Christina Rossetti's "A Birthday" celebrates the passionate joy of love. The "birthday" of the title is a figurative one: now that the speaker's "love" has arrived, they feel like their life has officially begun. They compare their happy heart to a singing bird, a tree heavy with fruit, and a colorful shell bobbing along on a tranquil sea. Next, they command that an ornately decorated "dais" (a kind of raised platform for a throne) be made to honor the arrival of their love. Rossetti was deeply religious, and while this love at first sounds romantic in nature, the speaker might also be talking about God; in this reading, Christ is the king for whom that "dais" is being built. "A Birthday" was first published in Macmillan's Magazine in 1861.

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