somewhere i have never travelled,gladly beyond Summary & Analysis
by E. E. Cummings

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"somewhere i have never travelled,gladly beyond" was written by the American poet E. E. Cummings, first published in his 1931 collection ViVa. Cummings is best known for his love poems, and this is considered by many critics to be one of his most exemplary. The poem explores the intense and mysterious power that the speaker's beloved holds over him. Even this person's slightest gesture can emotionally unravel the speaker and then close him back up again, yet the speaker can't quite articulate why this is so. The speaker still gladly and willingly accepts this feeling of vulnerability, which is unlike anything he's ever known. Like many of Cummings's poems, "somewhere i have never travelled,gladly beyond" uses unconventional punctuation, capitalization, and syntax.

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