Miniver Cheevy Summary & Analysis
by Edwin Arlington Robinson

Miniver Cheevy Summary & Analysis
by Edwin Arlington Robinson

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Published in 1910 by the American poet Edward Arlington Robinson, "Miniver Cheevy" spotlights the dangers of romanticizing the past. The titular character, Miniver Cheevy, is an unhappy man who believes he was born in the wrong era. He covets tales about famous figures from history and fantasizes about eras ranging from ancient Greece to the Middle Ages, idealizing ways of life he has never experienced. As the poem develops, it becomes clear that Miniver's obsession with the past interferes with his life in the present, as he rejects his current circumstances and spends all his time feeling sorry for himself. The poem uses rhyming quatrains, or four-line stanzas, and a strong iambic rhythm throughout.

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