Tonight I can write the saddest lines Summary & Analysis
by Pablo Neruda

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The Chilean poet Pablo Neruda included "Tonight I can write the saddest lines," a.k.a. "Poem 20," in his collection Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair (Veinte poemas de amor y una cancion desesperada). First published in 1924, when Neruda was just 19 years old, the collection charts the course of love, lust, and heartbreak. In this particular poem (the title of which actually just refers to its first line), the speaker confronts the loneliness, pain, and confusion of a break-up. Without his beloved by his side, the starry night seems cold and foreboding to the speaker, who struggles to accept that a love that once felt endless love has, in fact, ended for good—leaving the speaker with no company apart from the painful memory of what he's lost.

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