Muliebrity Summary & Analysis
by Sujata Bhatt

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"Muliebrity" was written by the Indian poet Sujata Bhatt and is based on one of Bhatt's own childhood memories. The poem's speaker can't stop thinking about a young girl she once saw gathering cow dung near a temple. The speaker sees beauty, power, and grace in the way that the girl went about her humble task, and uses vivid imagery to evoke all the contrasting sights and smells that surrounded her. "Muliebrity" means "womanhood" or "womanliness," and in using this word to title the poem, the speaker implies that this girl embodied such womanhood through the pride and strength she showed in her work. At the same time, the speaker stresses that she doesn't want to reduce the girl to a mere symbol or metaphor, because doing so would deny the girl her individuality and selfhood. In other words, the girl may have profoundly affected the speaker, but she wasn't working for the speaker's—or the reader's—edification. "Muliebrity" was included in Bhatt's 1988 collection Brunezim, written after the poet had immigrated with her family to the U.S.

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