The Government Inspector


Nikolay Gogol

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Bobchinsky Character Analysis

Pyotr Ivanovich Bobchinsky is a local landowner in the town. He’s short and portly in stature, speaks rapidly, and gestures wildly. Bobchinsky is comically similar to his fellow landowner Dobchinsky, although Bobchinsky is more energetic. Highly curious but unintelligent, he and Dobchinsky are the first people to see Khlestakov in town and assume he’s the government inspector. As a result, Bobchinsky is partially responsible for Khlestakov’s mistaken identity.
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Bobchinsky Character Timeline in The Government Inspector

The timeline below shows where the character Bobchinsky appears in The Government Inspector. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Act 1
Corruption and Bureaucracy Theme Icon
Self-Deception Theme Icon
Scene 3. Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky arrive in a rush with astonishing news. Constantly interrupting each other, they reveal... (full context)
Act 2
Corruption and Bureaucracy Theme Icon
...can learn what Khlestakov must be hiding. Suddenly, the door crashes to the floor and Bobchinsky, who was hiding and eavesdropping, falls to the ground. The mayor tells Osip to bring... (full context)
Act 3
Corruption and Bureaucracy Theme Icon
Self-Deception Theme Icon
Scene 7. Bobchinsky declares he almost died of fright in Khlestakov’s presence. Bobchinsky thinks Khlestakov’s rank must be... (full context)
Act 4
Corruption and Bureaucracy Theme Icon
Greed, Selfishness, and Pleasure Theme Icon
External Validation Theme Icon
Scene 7. Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky introduce themselves to Khlestakov. At once, Khlestakov asks for money, and they give... (full context)
Act 5
External Validation Theme Icon
Scene 5. From a crowd of well-wishers, Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky push their way to the mayor and his family. Talking over each other,... (full context)
Corruption and Bureaucracy Theme Icon
Greed, Selfishness, and Pleasure Theme Icon
External Validation Theme Icon
Self-Deception Theme Icon
...government inspector and demands to know who first claimed he was. The officials turn on Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky. (full context)
Last Scene and Mute Scene
Corruption and Bureaucracy Theme Icon
...whistle or speak. Korobkin winks at the audience and “directs contemptuous looks” toward the mayor. Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky reach for each other with wide eyes and gaping mouths. (full context)