Timon of Athens
Shakescleare Translation

Timon of Athens Translation Act 3, Scene 1

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FLAMINIUS waiting. Enter a Servant to him


I have told my lord of you; he is coming down to you.


I told Lucullus that you were here. He'll be in soon.


I thank you, sir.





Here's my lord.


There he is.


[Aside] One of Lord Timon's men? a gift, I warrant. Why, this hits right; I dreamt of a silver basin and ewer to-night. Flaminius, honest Flaminius; you are very respectively welcome, sir. Fill me some wine.


[To himself] Is this one of Timon's servants? Great! I dreamt last night of expensive gifts. 

[To FLAMINIUS] Welcome, Flaminius. 

[To the SERVANT] Go get some wine for us.

Exit Servants


And how does that honourable, complete, free-heartedgentleman of Athens, thy very bountiful good lordand master?


How is your master Timon? He's so honest and generous.


His health is well sir.


He is healthy.


I am right glad that his health is well, sir: andwhat hast thou there under thy cloak, pretty Flaminius?


It's important to be healthy. What do you have under your cloak, Flaminius?


'Faith, nothing but an empty box, sir; which, in my lord's behalf, I come to entreat your honour to supply; who, having great and instant occasion to use fifty talents, hath sent to your lordship to furnish him, nothing doubting your present assistance therein.


Nothing, just an empty box, which Timon asked that I beg you fill with some money. He could really use fifty talents, and thinks you would be kind enough to lend him that money. He thinks without a doubt you will assist him.


La, la, la, la! 'nothing doubting,' says he? Alas, good lord! a noble gentleman 'tis, if he would not keep so good a house. Many a time and often I ha' dined with him, and told him on't, and come again to supper to him, of purpose to have him spend less, and yet he would embrace no counsel, take no warning by my coming. Every man has his fault, and honesty is his: I ha' told him on't, but I could ne'er get him from't.


Ha ha ha! He thinks so? He's a very nice guy, but he has spent too much money. I came over several times for dinner and told him to be more thrifty, but he would never listen or heed my warnings. No one is perfect, and his vice is generosity. I told him so, but never could change his ways. 

Re-enter Servant, with wine


Please your lordship, here is the wine.


Here's the wine.


Flaminius, I have noted thee always wise. Here's to thee.


I always thought you were smart, Flaminius. Take this.


Your lordship speaks your pleasure.


Timon says the same. 


I have observed thee always for a towardly prompt spirit—give thee thy due—and one that knows what belongs to reason; and canst use the time well, if the time use thee well: good parts in thee.


I always thought you were an able and efficient guy who—to give you your due credit—knows how to be reasonable. I always imagined that instead of being swept up in circumstance you'd be able to see an opportunity when it presented itself. These are good traits.

To Servant


Get you gone, sirrah.


Leave and give us a moment.

Exit Servant


Draw nearer, honest Flaminius. Thy lord's a bountiful gentleman: but thou art wise; and thou knowest well enough, although thou comest to me, that this is no time to lend money, especially upon bare friendship, without security. Here's three solidares for thee: good boy, wink at me, and say thou sawest me not. Fare thee well.


Come closer to me Flaminius. Your lord is a generous man, but you are smart and know as well as anybody, even though you've come to me, that now is not the time to lend money, especially to friends, without some kind of insurance. Here are three coins. This way you can say that you never visited me and I did not reject your request for a loan. Goodbye. 


Is't possible the world should so much differ,And we alive that lived? Fly, damned baseness,To him that worships thee!


Is it really possible that such bad men can exist when there are good ones too? You and your money sicken me.

Throwing the money back


Ha! now I see thou art a fool, and fit for thy master.


Ah, now I can tell that you're as dumb as Timon.



May these add to the number that may scald thee! Let moulten coin be thy damnation, Thou disease of a friend, and not himself! Has friendship such a faint and milky heart, It turns in less than two nights? O you gods, I feel master's passion! this slave, Unto his honour, has my lord's meat in him: Why should it thrive and turn to nutriment, When he is turn'd to poison? O, may diseases only work upon't! And, when he's sick to death, let not that part of nature Which my lord paid for, be of any power To expel sickness, but prolong his hour!


I hope those coins melt into a burning hot liquid and scald you! You make me sick. Is friendship really such a flimsy thing that it can break in less than two nights? God! I am offended for Timon. This idiot has eaten at his table, and what he ate should not have nourished him, but poisoned him! I hope he gets a fatal disease , and that whatever part of him existed thanks to eating Timon's food works to make his suffering even more painful.
