The Freedom Writers Diary

The Freedom Writers Diary


Erin Gruwell

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Paco Character Analysis

In Diary 33, during freshman year, a student writes about her friend Paco, who killed another man in front of her. At the trial for this murder, when she is supposed to testify against an innocent man in order to protect Paco, she realizes that the logic of group loyalty which she has followed all her life feels unjust. She decides to stand up for justice and tell the truth about Paco, to his utter consternation.
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Paco Character Timeline in The Freedom Writers Diary

The timeline below shows where the character Paco appears in The Freedom Writers Diary. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part III: Diary 33
Race, Ethnicity, and Tolerance Theme Icon
Violence, War, and Death  Theme Icon
...protect her own group, her “blood.” She knows that she has to lie to protect Paco, her friend, who killed a man to protect her—in the same way that she is... (full context)
Race, Ethnicity, and Tolerance Theme Icon
Violence, War, and Death  Theme Icon
When the lawyer asks her who shot the man, she looks at Paco and sees the trust on his face, as he knows that she is going to... (full context)