My Country Summary & Analysis
by Dorothea Mackellar

My Country Summary & Analysis
by Dorothea Mackellar

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"My Country" is a patriotic poem by Australian writer Dorothea Mackellar. Inspired by a conversation Mackellar with a friend after the two had visited England, the poem praises the vast, rugged splendor of the Australian wilderness over the gentler charms of the English countryside. "My Country" acknowledges the harsh and the beautiful elements of Mackellar's native landscape and treats both as part of the romance of her "sunburnt country." Published when Mackellar was just 23, the poem became an instant success and remains a popular expression of Australian national identity. It first appeared in the London Spectator in 1908 (under the title "Core of My Heart") and was later collected in the volume The Closed Door, and Other Verses (1911).

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