Pictor Ignotus Summary & Analysis
by Robert Browning

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In "Pictor Ignotus" (one of Robert Browning's trademark dramatic monologues—poems spoken by characters, like speeches from a play), an anonymous Italian Renaissance painter laments what he could have been. Unlike the bright "youth" whom everyone seems to "praise so" these days (probably a nod to Raphael), this speaker never quite achieved greatness. This thought is all the more painful to the speaker because he knows how much a great artwork can mean to the world. Whether through his own timidity, his unadmitted lesser talent, or the pettiness of the art world, this speaker will remain a "Pictor Ignotus": an unknown painter. This meditation on art, failure, self-deception, and regret first appeared in the 1845 collection Dramatic Romances and Lyrics, the seventh volume of Browning's multivolume work Bells and Pomegranates.

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