


Samuel Richardson

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Pamela: Letter 18 Summary & Analysis

Pamela writes to thank her mother and father for their words in the previous letter. She picks up her story where she left off, saying she was glad to find out that evening that Mrs. Jervis wasn’t mad at her for planning to leave the house. But when Pamela seemed determined to leave, Mrs. Jervis started to cry, asking if Pamela is ungrateful for all the love Mrs. Jervis has shown her. Still, Pamela remained firm about leaving.
Once again, an authority figure sends Pamela mixed signals. Despite Mrs. Jervis telling Pamela she’s willing to let her go, she later tries to guilt Pamela into staying. Mrs. Jervis is a complicated figure in the book—despite her seemingly genuine love for Pamela, it often seems like Mrs. Jervis give Pamela bad advice.
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