Five Feet Apart


Rachael Lippincott

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Five Feet Apart: Chapter 23: Stella Summary & Analysis

Stella feels healthier than ever as she and Will slide across the ice together. She’s devastated by Poe’s death, but being with Will makes it more bearable. Stella’s phone has been ringing all day, but now messages are coming in at a frantic rate. She finally checks her phone to see texts from Barb, her parents, and her friends asking where she is—there is a lung transplant available for her. She needs to head to the hospital urgently to get the surgery in time. Stella considers her options and stays at the pond instead. If she got the transplant, she would recover in isolation for a while. She’s happy in the moment with Will.
Stella is on the waiting list for a lung transplant, which means that she has been waiting for lungs that are a good match for her to become available. Once lungs become available to a transplant patient, the surgery must take place within a few hours while the donor lungs are still viable. Stella has been hoping for a transplant her whole life, so it’s shocking that she no longer wants to go through with it. The transplant would potentially add at least a few years to her life, but it would mean a long recovery during which Stella would be too physically vulnerable to be around Will.
Love and Sacrifice Theme Icon
Risk and Consequences Theme Icon
Survival, Terminal Illness, and Hope Theme Icon