

Jason Reynolds

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Ghost: Chapter 5 Summary & Analysis

Ghost feels good about what he has done with his shoes because they feel much lighter. However, he knows his mother will be angry if she sees what he did. So, to avoid a lecture about the value of a dollar, he hides the shoes in his room and buries the scraps in the trash. The next day, he worries that Brandon will see his shoes and make fun of him. However, when he gets to school, Principal Marshall informs him that Brandon was suspended. Moments after seeing Principal Marshall, Ghost sees Dre, who tells him he is the most popular kid in school at the moment because of what he did to Brandon.
In an attempt to conform by cutting up his sneakers, Ghost has made himself stand out even more. He now has a secret that he thinks he must hide not only from his mother, but from Brandon as well. Once again, Ghost acted before he thought through the likely consequences for his actions. Now, he must deal with the consequences, though Brandon’s absence makes everything slightly better.
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Ghost is thrilled with his newfound popularity. His day goes great until he gets to history class, where he sits next to Shamika Wilson. Ghost likes Shamika, but she has a loud booming laugh that she cannot get under control once she starts. Unfortunately, Shamika immediately spots Ghost’s cut up sneakers and begins laughing, drawing the attention of the history teacher, who asks Shamika to share what is so funny with the class. Shamika is laughing too hard to say anything, so she just points at Ghost’s shoes. Everyone else in the class sees the shoes, and they all burst out laughing as well. Ghost tries to make himself invisible, though inside he is screaming.
Here, Ghost is a victim of bad luck. No one means him any harm or intends to hurt him, but the combination of Shamika’s laugh and his unaware history teacher results in yet another humiliating experience for Ghost. This moment also refers to Ghost’s internal scream, which is a phrase that encapsulates the angsty rage that exists right beneath the surface. Ghost is trying hard to behave, but no matter what, things keep going wrong for him.
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After class, Ghost decides to cut school—something he has never done before—and go into town. He doesn’t know where he is going to go, but he wants to be away from school for the time being. While walking through town, he sees a sporting goods store and goes inside. The store clerk, Tia, shows Ghost to the track section, where he admires the shoes on display. However, one look at the price tag makes his eyes bulge, as he knows he can never afford them. Tia asks Ghost if he would like to try a pair on, and he says he would. However, when she asks Ghost for his size, he says he does not know because he has never had shoes that fit properly.
Ghost enters the sporting goods store knowing he has no money to purchase anything. As such, the shoes simply sit before him, taunting him. He knows that if he owned a nice pair of shoes, he would fit in or possibly stand out in a good way on his team. Although a new pair of shoes would also help with Ghost’s running performance, he is more interested in them because of the status that comes with wearing them.
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Tia brings Ghost the pair of shoes he likes the most in a couple of different sizes, and he tries them on. One pair, in particular, fits perfectly. When Tia isn’t looking, Ghost takes the shoes and places them in his backpack before putting the empty box back on the shelf. On the way out of the store, Tia stops Ghost to ask him what he thought of the shoes. Ghost says they are amazing and that he might come back for them later.
Here, Ghost makes his worst decision yet. Although he jokes about having a rap sheet because of the trouble he gets into in school, here he performs a criminal act that could get him in real trouble. As usual, Ghost does not think about the long term consequences of his actions; he simply acts in the heat of the moment.
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As Ghost steps outside, he waits for someone to chase him down or for the police to come after him. However, nothing happens. Not wanting to draw attention to himself, Ghost walks slowly away from the store. He is not proud of stealing the shoes, but he could not ask his mother to put up that much money, and he thinks they will silence people like Lu when he shows up in them. For a while, Ghost is not sure where he should go next. Eventually, he decides that Mr. Charles’s store would be the best spot for the time being.
Although Ghost’s behavior is selfish, there is also some selfless behavior involved as well. Ghost knows he needs sneakers, but he does not want to put his mother in the position of having to pay for something she cannot afford. Of course, if Ghost gets caught stealing the sneakers, then things could turn out much worse, but he is too shortsighted to see that.
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When Ghost tries to buy sunflower seeds from Mr. Charles, Mr. Charles gives him an outrageous price. He says the price will only return to normal if Ghost will explain why he is not in school. At first, Ghost tries to avoid answering the question, but he quickly gives in. He rolls up his pants and shows Mr. Charles what he did to his shoes and then explains what happened in history class. Mr. Charles empathizes with Ghost but tells him he can’t be leaving school just because someone laughs at him. Ghost agrees and promises not to do it again. Then, Mr. Charles gives him a bag of sunflower seeds for free.
Even though Ghost tries to appear unassuming, the first person he talks to immediately sees through him and correctly assumes he is up to no good. Although Ghost decides to tell Mr. Charles the truth, he does not tell him the full truth. Like Coach Brody, Mr. Charles understands that embarrassment and humiliation are difficult to deal with and so he takes it easy on Ghost.
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After getting the sunflower seeds, Ghost still does not want to go anywhere out in the open because he fears the police will be looking for someone with stolen track shoes. Instead, he stays inside Mr. Charles’s store and eats sunflower seeds. After a few minutes, Mr. Charles tells Ghost that, even though they are friends, Ghost is not allowed to loiter. Ghost understands and offers to help Mr. Charles unpack his latest shipment of goods. He discovers that Mr. Charles keeps a certain number of items on each shelf, so it is easy for him to tell if someone is stealing.
Here, the gravity of what Ghost has done begins to sink in. In fact, he starts to become paranoid, largely because he does not understand the real world consequences of his crime. While the police may have been informed of the stolen shoes, they certainly would not be out on the street searching for Ghost. However, Ghost is too far in over his head to know the realistic consequences of his actions.
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As Ghost helps unload the shipment, he keeps a close eye on his backpack, as he wants to ensure his shoes are okay. After unloading everything in the front, Mr. Charles asks Ghost to carry some boxes into a storage room in the back of the store—the same storage room Ghost and his mother hid in the night Ghost’s father went crazy and shot at them.
Ghost wants to protect the shoes at all costs because he values them and does not want to explain to others how he got them. However, his mind wanders to Charles’s storeroom, which is a reminder of his past trauma that he has yet to come to terms with.
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At first, Ghost does not mind being back in the room. However, while carrying the final box back, the door slams shut on him. Ghost bangs on the door, hoping Mr. Charles—who is a bit deaf—will hear him. When he doesn’t get an immediate response, he starts to panic and yell. Moments later, Mr. Charles opens the door. Mr. Charles tries to explain to Ghost that the door gets stuck sometimes, but Ghost has already run out of the store with his backpack before Mr. Charles can finish his explanation.
The room does not bother Ghost at first because it does not remind him of the night his father attacked him. However, when the door slams shut, the storeroom suddenly transforms into the same space it was during that terrifying night, so he starts to panic. Just as he did the night of the incident, Mr. Charles comes to Ghost’s rescue, but Ghost runs away and cannot accept help or comfort.
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