Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix


J. K. Rowling

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Lily Potter Character Analysis

Harry's mother. She and her husband, James, died when Harry was only a year old, trying to protect him from Voldemort. Lily was beautiful, with red hair and green eyes that she passed onto Harry. When Harry enters Snape's memory and gets a glimpse of his parents and Snape at age fifteen, he's shocked to see that Lily seemed to hate James for tormenting Snape. Lupin and Sirius explain to Harry that Lily began to come around to him about two years later, though she was unaware that James continued to torment Snape. Following the battle at the Ministry, Dumbledore explains that Harry has to remain with the Dursleys—and specifically, with Petunia, Lily's sister—because Lily's sacrifice tapped into old magic that will continue to protect Harry until he becomes a legal adult. Lily's sacrifice is also why Voldemort couldn't kill Harry as a baby.
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Lily Potter Character Timeline in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

The timeline below shows where the character Lily Potter appears in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter Nine
Choices, Family, and Love Theme Icon
War: Excitement vs. The Mundane Theme Icon
...he sees Alice and Frank Longbottom, Neville's parents. Moody points out Lupin, Hagrid, Sirius, James, Lily, and Wormtail. Harry tries to smile but excuses himself, feeling upset by the picture of... (full context)
Chapter Nineteen
The Purpose of Education Theme Icon
Choices, Family, and Love Theme Icon
...hold back George as the rest of the team restrains Fred, but when Malfoy insults Lily Potter, Harry and George rush Malfoy and punch him. They stop when Madam Hooch jinxes... (full context)
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Prejudice and Discrimination Theme Icon
Lily appears and shouts at Sirius and James to leave Snape alone. James begins messing up... (full context)
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Choices, Family, and Love Theme Icon
...but he can't imagine ever tormenting someone like James tormented Snape. He's also disturbed by Lily's clear hatred of James in the memory. (full context)
Trauma, Silence, and Speech Theme Icon
Choices, Family, and Love Theme Icon
...Snape alone, so it's his fault too. Sirius explains that James always showed off around Lily and that she didn't really hate him. They started dating in seventh year, after James... (full context)
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Choices, Family, and Love Theme Icon
...that Voldemort underestimates the ancient magic of blood, love, and sacrifice. He says that because Lily died to save Harry, Harry is safe in her sister Petunia's house. Harry realizes that... (full context)