Monday’s Not Coming

Monday’s Not Coming


Tiffany Jackson

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on Monday’s Not Coming makes teaching easy.

Tip Charles Character Analysis

Tip Charles is Monday’s father. He and Mrs. Charles are separated and for a majority of the novel, Tip doesn’t appear in person. In the “Before” timeline, Tip hasn’t seen his children in years because he owes Mrs. Charles thousands of dollars in child support. Because of this, when Mrs. Charles tells Claudia that Monday is with her father, Claudia finds the story suspicious. Once it comes out that Mrs. Charles murdered Monday and August (who’s also Tip’s son), Tip finds out on the news. He attends his children’s funeral wearing a shirt with an old picture of Monday on it, something that Claudia sees as proof of his offensive lack of engagement in his children’s lives. In the “After” timeline, Claudia briefly suspects that Tip was the one who murdered Monday because of how nervous he acts when Claudia and Michael surprise him at his workplace. Claudia ultimately learns that Tip plans to fight the state’s attempts to terminate his legal rights to his children, but it’s unclear if his suit is successful. He also files a wrongful death lawsuit against the city, insisting it’s their fault that Mrs. Charles murdered his children.

Tip Charles Quotes in Monday’s Not Coming

The Monday’s Not Coming quotes below are all either spoken by Tip Charles or refer to Tip Charles. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Child Abuse Theme Icon
Chapter 22. The Before Quotes

“Over the last few months we’ve had dozens of girls around here reported missing, close to fifty in one week. Alleged kidnappings when most of them just run off away from home ‘cause they can’t do what they want.”

“But shouldn’t you still be looking for them anyways?”

He opened his mouth, then closed it, clearing his throat.

“Yes, but Claudia, I want you to remember, when you come into a police station, claiming your friend is ‘missing,’ it means us officers have to take our focus away from these girls. Girls who could really be in trouble.”

Tears prickled, and I avoided his glare.

“Now, if your friend’s really missing and she’s not on this board, then only a parent can file a missing persons report. And if her mother won’t, the only person left would be her father or a legal guardian.”

Related Characters: Claudia Coleman (speaker), Detective Carson (speaker), Monday Charles, Mrs. Charles, Tip Charles
Page Number: 166-167
Explanation and Analysis:
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Monday’s Not Coming PDF

Tip Charles Quotes in Monday’s Not Coming

The Monday’s Not Coming quotes below are all either spoken by Tip Charles or refer to Tip Charles. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Child Abuse Theme Icon
Chapter 22. The Before Quotes

“Over the last few months we’ve had dozens of girls around here reported missing, close to fifty in one week. Alleged kidnappings when most of them just run off away from home ‘cause they can’t do what they want.”

“But shouldn’t you still be looking for them anyways?”

He opened his mouth, then closed it, clearing his throat.

“Yes, but Claudia, I want you to remember, when you come into a police station, claiming your friend is ‘missing,’ it means us officers have to take our focus away from these girls. Girls who could really be in trouble.”

Tears prickled, and I avoided his glare.

“Now, if your friend’s really missing and she’s not on this board, then only a parent can file a missing persons report. And if her mother won’t, the only person left would be her father or a legal guardian.”

Related Characters: Claudia Coleman (speaker), Detective Carson (speaker), Monday Charles, Mrs. Charles, Tip Charles
Page Number: 166-167
Explanation and Analysis: