Neighbour Rosicky


Willa Cather

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Themes and Colors
The Good Life Theme Icon
The City vs. The Country Theme Icon
Family, Community, and Kindness Theme Icon
Money vs. Happiness Theme Icon
LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in Neighbour Rosicky, which you can use to track the themes throughout the work.

The Good Life

“Neighbour Rosicky” is about the quest for a good life. Various characters in the story live with different value systems and in different circumstances—in cities or in the country, with or without money, with or without families—but the story portrays Anton Rosicky as the happiest character of all. Rosicky searches for the good life on two different continents and in several different cities, eventually settling in rural Nebraska and becoming a farmer. Here, he comes…

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The City vs. The Country

“Neighbour Rosicky” narrates Anton Rosicky’s journey from living a difficult life in various cities to finding beauty and fulfillment as a farmer in rural Nebraska. Overall, the story depicts urban life—particularly for poor and working-class people—as unforgiving. City dwellers are mostly cruel and crooked, the work is hard, the environment is alienating, and there are few opportunities for freedom or joy. By contrast, the story depicts rural life as full of beauty, self-reliance, kindness…

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Family, Community, and Kindness

Much of “Neighbour Rosicky” is about how living a meaningful life is connected to being generous and being surrounded by people who are generous in return. Rosicky is a happy person because his family is kind, loving, and supportive of one another. All of his children are polite and generous, and they genuinely enjoy spending time as a family. In addition, his wife Mary is a warm and pleasant person, and she and Rosicky enjoy…

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Money vs. Happiness

Financial instability affects everyone in “Neighbour Rosicky,” and while Rosicky himself is not wealthy, he seems to be the happiest character in the story. Notably, Rosicky chooses to spend his money as he pleases and as he feels best serves his family, instead of saving it or trying to push himself to advance economically. While his health suffers from the physical labor of his work as a farmer, he still remains grateful and prefers to…

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