Outcasts United


Warren St. John

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on Outcasts United makes teaching easy.
Generose’s oldest son, and the brother of Bien, Ive, and Alyah. Alex plays on the Under Fifteens team, and he is also given the duty of caring for his baby sister when his mother is at work in the evening. Each night, he mixes her milk with baby food powder and gives it to her in spoonfuls. He also makes his younger brothers’ dinner each night—an immense responsibility for a fifteen-year-old.
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Alex Character Timeline in Outcasts United

The timeline below shows where the character Alex appears in Outcasts United. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 6: “Coach Says It’s Not Good”
Refugees, Discrimination, and Resilience Theme Icon
...first night in the U.S. Two days before, he, his mother Generose, his older brother Alex, and his younger brother Ive, left a refugee camp in Mozambique. Driving home from the... (full context)
Community and Teamwork vs. Division Theme Icon
...but she agrees to let Bien practice with them, and to let Bien’s older brother Alex join Luma’s team for older boys. (full context)
Chapter 12: Alex, Bien, and Ive
Refugees, Discrimination, and Resilience Theme Icon
Bienvenue lives with his brothers, Alex and Ive, his baby sister Alyah, and his mother, Generose. Their apartment looks almost exactly... (full context)
Refugees, Discrimination, and Resilience Theme Icon
Generose knows Swahili, French, and Kirundi, but only a few words of English. Alex is fifteen and understands English, but he is shy about his thick Burundian accent. Bien,... (full context)
Chapter 13: Trying Again
Leadership and Respect Theme Icon
Discipline, Dedication, and Success Theme Icon
...Mandela, and Natnael have rallied many new players, in addition to bringing three players (including Alex) who had been on the Fugees previously. Fornatee had decided not to show up, feeling... (full context)
Chapter 22: Hanging On at Home
Refugees, Discrimination, and Resilience Theme Icon
...afternoon to 2 a.m. Far worse than the actual work is the idea of leaving Alex, Bien, and Ive home alone to take care of baby Alyah. This task falls mostly... (full context)
Refugees, Discrimination, and Resilience Theme Icon
Discipline, Dedication, and Success Theme Icon
One evening after practice, Alex comes home tired and starts making dinner. He places hot dogs in a pan, then... (full context)
Refugees, Discrimination, and Resilience Theme Icon
Suddenly, smoke starts to roll into the living room. Alex props Alyah against the sofa and runs to the kitchen. The hot dogs had melted... (full context)