Seven Fallen Feathers

Seven Fallen Feathers


Tanya Talaga

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The Robinson-Superior treaty was signed in 1850 by the settler William Robinson and Ojibwe Chief Joseph Peau de Chat. The treaty gave the Crown the entire Lake Superior shoreline (over 57,000 square kilometers of land) in exchange for small annual payments and goods, and a reserve of just a few kilometers near Fort William. The treaty was important because it paved the way for the settlement of Thunder Bay, Ontario.
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Robinson-Superior Treaty Term Timeline in Seven Fallen Feathers

The timeline below shows where the term Robinson-Superior Treaty appears in Seven Fallen Feathers. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 2: Why Chanie Ran
Colonialism, Cultural Genocide, and Racism Theme Icon
Tradition, Prophecy, Spirituality, and Hope Theme Icon
...cede their lands to white settlers. The nearby Fort William First Nation falls under the Robinson-Superior treaty , signed in 1850. William Robinson signed the treaty with Chief Joseph Peau de Chat,... (full context)