

D. T. Niane

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on Sundiata makes teaching easy.

Sassouma Bérété Character Analysis

Maghan Kon Fatta's first wife, mother of Dankaran Touman. When Maghan Kon Fatta takes Sogolon as his second wife, Sassouma is extremely jealous of his preference for Sogolon. She wants her son to rule instead of Sundiata, so she makes several attempts on the lives of Sogolon and Sundiata, and eventually arranges their exile. Before her husband's death she makes life miserable for Sogolon and teases her for everything from her ugliness to Sundiata's inability to walk.

Sassouma Bérété Quotes in Sundiata

The Sundiata quotes below are all either spoken by Sassouma Bérété or refer to Sassouma Bérété. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Storytelling and Memory Theme Icon
The Lion's Awakening Quotes

“Listen, Djata,” said Soumosso Konkomba, “we had come here to test you. We have no need of condiments but your generosity disarms us. We were sent here by the queen mother to provoke you and draw the anger of the nocturnal powers upon you. But nothing can be done against a heart full of kindness.”

Related Characters: Soumosso Konkomba (speaker), Sundiata/Maghan Mari Djata, Sassouma Bérété
Page Number: 26
Explanation and Analysis:
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Sassouma Bérété Quotes in Sundiata

The Sundiata quotes below are all either spoken by Sassouma Bérété or refer to Sassouma Bérété. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Storytelling and Memory Theme Icon
The Lion's Awakening Quotes

“Listen, Djata,” said Soumosso Konkomba, “we had come here to test you. We have no need of condiments but your generosity disarms us. We were sent here by the queen mother to provoke you and draw the anger of the nocturnal powers upon you. But nothing can be done against a heart full of kindness.”

Related Characters: Soumosso Konkomba (speaker), Sundiata/Maghan Mari Djata, Sassouma Bérété
Page Number: 26
Explanation and Analysis: