Children of Virtue and Vengeance

Children of Virtue and Vengeance


Tomi Adeyemi

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Na’imah Character Analysis

The elder of the Tamer clan. She’s a curvy young woman who always wears flowers in her hair and consistently has birds or butterflies swirling around her head. Though she’s kind, she has a policy of not bowing to anyone—and she shows that she and the maji are just as prejudiced as the nobles they hope to overthrow when she quips that killing monarchs is like killing roaches.
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Na’imah Character Timeline in Children of Virtue and Vengeance

The timeline below shows where the character Na’imah appears in Children of Virtue and Vengeance. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter Twenty-Two
Power and Systems of Oppression Theme Icon
Cycles of Violence Theme Icon
...wildly at Amari but before Amari can say anything, the elder of the Tamer clan, Na’imah, races in with a note from Lagos. Ramaya reads that Inan is alive and offering... (full context)
Cycles of Violence Theme Icon
Na’imah quips that killing royals is like killing roaches, as Amari snatches the note and reads... (full context)
Chapter Thirty-One
Power and Systems of Oppression Theme Icon
Tradition and History Theme Icon
...bronze statues depicting the original elders. Zélie falls into conversation with Nâo and Kâmarū while Na’imah and Dakarai, the Seer elder, play with Na’imah’s butterflies. With a frown, Khani invites Amari... (full context)
Chapter Thirty-Three
Tradition and History Theme Icon
...through the forest on her cheetanaire, lost in thinking about how things might work out. Na’imah stops Amari’s cheetanaire when Amari doesn’t notice the others stopped. They all dismount and Dakarai... (full context)
Chapter Fifty-Two
Love vs. Duty Theme Icon
...he can barely whisper. The Iyika overpower everything Nehanda’s army tries. Ojore finds Inan as Na’imah turns the soldiers’ ryders rabid. Ojore insists he couldn’t lie to Nehanda; she ordered this... (full context)
Chapter Fifty-Three
Power and Systems of Oppression Theme Icon
Cycles of Violence Theme Icon
Love vs. Duty Theme Icon
...retreat as Jokôye raises her hands: Jokôye is a cênter and is harnessing the wind. Na’imah captures ryders so the Iyika can get back to the sanctuary faster, but Zélie and... (full context)
Chapter Seventy-Nine
Power and Systems of Oppression Theme Icon
Cycles of Violence Theme Icon
Love vs. Duty Theme Icon
...but as the shadows reach Amari, Zélie collapses and convulses. Kâmarū carries Zélie away and Na’imah shouts to lock up Amari. Kenyon binds Amari’s hands and Tzain turns away. Amari knows... (full context)
Chapter Eighty-Four
Cycles of Violence Theme Icon
Tradition and History Theme Icon
Love vs. Duty Theme Icon
...of her and soon, Mama Agba will be too. Mama Agba enters the circle and Na’imah begins to sing. Mama Agba speaks every elder and Tzain. She tells Amari to not... (full context)