Fallen Angels


Walter Dean Myers

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Darren Lewis Character Analysis

Darren Lewis is a Black soldier from the Bronx who joins the squad with Perry, Peewee, Johnson, Brunner, Brewster, Lobel, Monaco, and Walowick. He sustains a serious injury on his first patrol and is taken back to the hospital at Chu Lai, from which he is likely reassigned elsewhere as he doesn’t rejoin the squad.
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Darren Lewis Character Timeline in Fallen Angels

The timeline below shows where the character Darren Lewis appears in Fallen Angels. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 13
War, Trauma, and Dehumanization Theme Icon
...stopping enemy movements at night. Six “new brothers” join them, including two—Nate Turner and Darren Lewis—on Perry’s squad. Sergeant Simpson only has 22 days left when they make their first patrol... (full context)
War, Trauma, and Dehumanization Theme Icon
Perseverance and Heroism Theme Icon
The chopper drops off the squad, taking the wounded medic and Darren Lewis—who suffered a broken arm during the patrol—back to Chu Lai. Later, when Simpson comes into... (full context)
Chapter 23
War, Trauma, and Dehumanization Theme Icon
Race, Identity, and Belonging Theme Icon
...rear, imagines turning and seeing the others trailing the platoon: Brew, Jenkins, Sergeant Dongan, Turner, Lewis, Lieutenant Carroll, and all the others whose deaths he witnessed. He prays for God to... (full context)