Flowering Judas


Katherine Anne Porter

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on Flowering Judas makes teaching easy.
Braggioni’s long-suffering wife, Mrs. Braggioni is still active in the Socialist cause, organizing the girls who work in the cigarette factories and marching in picket lines. However, Laura’s sense of freedom is foreign to Mrs. Braggioni, who accepts her second-class citizen status without question. Her “sense of reality is beyond criticism,” meaning that she is free of the idealistic illusions that plague Laura. She is also devoted to her unfaithful husband and spends nights crying alone, until Braggioni comes home and placates her. Her main function in the story is to represent for Laura what she could become if robbed of her independence by yielding to Braggioni.
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Mrs. Braggioni Character Timeline in Flowering Judas

The timeline below shows where the character Mrs. Braggioni appears in Flowering Judas. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Flowering Judas
Misogyny and Femininity  Theme Icon
Laura’s thoughts turn to Braggioni’s wife , who campaigns for the women who work in the cigarette factories, walks in picket... (full context)
Religion vs. Politics Theme Icon
Misogyny and Femininity  Theme Icon
Meanwhile, Braggioni goes home to the long-suffering Mrs. Braggioni , who calls her husband “my angel” and begins to wash his feet. He makes... (full context)