Journey to the Center of the Earth


Jules Verne

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Journey to the Center of the Earth: Chapter 38  Summary & Analysis

Lidenbrock is furious to realize that the men will have to cross the sea again, but he declares that they will do it anyway. Axel tries to argue against his uncle’s “mad enthusiasm,” but Lidenbrock refuses to listen. Hans, dedicated to his employer, agrees with Lidenbrock, and they decide to set sail the following morning.
The ever-loyal Hans continues to side with Lidenbrock against Axel, so Axel’s desire to prioritize practicality over discovery is once again overruled. Axel believes Lidenbrock’s obsession with proving his theory is “mad,” and would rather return home without glory than cross the sea again.
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Axel and Lidenbrock walk along the coast until they come to a collection of fossilized bones. The geologists are thrilled to discover the specimens, most of which come from dinosaurs. Among the bones, they find a human skull, and Lidenbrock cries out the names of other scientists he wishes were there with them.
The human skull is evidence that humans lived among dinosaurs either above the surface or here in the underground world. Lidenbrock wants the glory that will result from his discoveries, but he also has friends and idols he respects in the scientific community that he wishes to share these discoveries with.
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