Journey to the Center of the Earth


Jules Verne

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Journey to the Center of the Earth: Chapter 43 Summary & Analysis

Lidenbrock calls out that the raft is ascending, and as Hans lights a lantern, the men see that they have landed in a narrow chimney. As the space fills with water, the raft rises. Axel concludes that they will either emerge from an opening at the top of the chimney or be crushed against a dead end. Lidenbrock encourages Axel to be optimistic, and Axel reveals that their provisions are lost.
As the men reach the end of their journey, their fates are ultimately in nature’s hands. They have explored and discovered much about the natural world, but they have never overpowered it, and now they can only wait and see if nature will let them live.
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As the men rise, the temperature increases. Axel worries aloud that they will be burned alive by the earth’s core, but Lidenbrock says nothing. An hour later, Lidenbrock suggests that the men eat the last of their food, so they can meet death with strength if it indeed approaches. After their meal, the men turn to their own thoughts. Axel dwells on his memories of Germany, including of Gräuben and Martha. Lidenbrock, meanwhile, examines the rock formation of the chimney. He insists that despite the increasing temperature, there is no way they could be nearing a burning mass. Axel doubts this. He checks the compass and sees it is spinning ceaselessly.
Even when facing death, Axel and Lidenbrock are committed to their respective geological theories. Lidenbrock continues to seek data to support his hypothesis, while Axel continues to interpret the evidence before him as proof of the earth’s burning core. Axel’s thoughts are not only on science, however, and his longing for his home in Hamburg highlights Axel’s emotionality compared to Lidenbrock’s rationality.
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