

E. M. Forster

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Maurice: Chapter 35 Summary & Analysis

The next day, a group including Maurice and Clive go out to shoot rabbits. Maurice has sent a telegram to the hypnotist, Mr. Lasker Jones, to schedule an appointment and receives a confirmation back. On the last night, Maurice tells Clive that he plans to be married as well. Clive congratulates him and asks if he can share the news. Share it as widely as you like, Maurice says. Before he leaves, Maurice begins a written statement for the hypnotist.
By saying that he plans to be married, Maurice is testing the waters to see what it would be like, and how people might react, if he were to take Clive’s path by marrying a woman and pretending he isn’t gay. On the verge of beginning hypnosis, he is laying the groundwork (even if only the mental groundwork) for a life in which he is straight.
Love and Sacrifice Theme Icon
Sexual Orientation, Homophobia, and Self-Acceptance Theme Icon
Masculinity and Patriarchy Theme Icon