

E. M. Forster

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Maurice: Chapter 38 Summary & Analysis

Scudder asks Maurice if he should leave before telling Maurice that his given name is Alec. Alec reveals that he has been paying close attention to Maurice since he arrived. Alec locks the door, and the two fall asleep. They tell each other their dreams when they wake up, and Maurice asks Alec if he ever had a dream where he had a friend, “someone to last your whole life and you his.” The moment passes quickly, and Alec insists he must depart for work.
Alec and Maurice sleep together that night at Penge, subverting the homophobia that the estate symbolizes. Maurice tries to tell Alec about his recurring Sunnington dream and what it means to him, but the moment passes quickly without Alec fully understanding what Maurice is trying to tell him, foreshadowing the misunderstandings and disagreements that will soon come between the two. 
Sexual Orientation, Homophobia, and Self-Acceptance Theme Icon
Masculinity and Patriarchy Theme Icon
Class Theme Icon