My Name is Asher Lev


Chaim Potok

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Themes and Colors
The Divine vs. the Demonic Theme Icon
Art and Religious Faith Theme Icon
Creativity, Self-Expression, and Truth Theme Icon
Family Conflict Theme Icon
LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in My Name is Asher Lev, which you can use to track the themes throughout the work.

The Divine vs. the Demonic

In My Name Is Asher Lev, Asher, a young Hasidic Jew (part of the fictionalized Ladover sect) grows up with a fervent belief in the Jewish obligation to bring about holiness in the world. In fact, he and his community believe that there are two “sides” in the world—those holy things pertaining to religious, Torah-observant Jews, and those things that belong to the “Other,” hence “demonic,” side that opposes holiness. This strict division…

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Art and Religious Faith

From the time Asher Lev is a small child, his entire life and identity is understood in terms of his vibrant, loving Hasidic Jewish community—not only his family life, but his ancestral memory and his expectations for the future. As his gift for drawing and painting becomes apparent, however, his art increasingly comes into conflict with his religious identity and the expectations of his community. Although Asher’s religious beliefs remain strong, and he even finds…

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Creativity, Self-Expression, and Truth

From the time he is a small child, Asher Lev obsessively draws pictures of the world around him. As he grows older, however, various influences exert a strong pull on his art—especially the expectations of his family and community, to whom Asher feels responsible, yet whose perspectives he doesn’t always accept. As Asher grows up, his self-identity as an artist and his approaches to his art mature in tandem, especially as he questions the relationship…

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Family Conflict

Asher Lev is born into a deeply religious and driven family—his father, Aryeh, travels around Europe helping to reestablish strong Jewish communities; his mother, Rivkeh, eventually assists Aryeh by earning her Ph.D. in Russian studies. While Asher shares his parents’ faith, his own ambition manifests as a passion for art, which places him at odds with his parents’ callings and even undermines their bonds. Although Asher eventually recognizes his similarity to his parents…

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