My Son the Fanatic


Hanif Kureishi

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Whiskey Symbol Analysis

Whiskey Symbol Icon

In “My Son the Fanatic,” whiskey symbolizes Parvez’s intoxication with the West, and his deep desire to assimilate into English culture at the expense of the ties to his past life and culture in Pakistan. Throughout the story it’s implied that Parvez is an alcoholic. He uses alcohol to cope and gets drunk on whiskey from the very beginning of the story when he first becomes concerned about Ali’s behavior through to the final scene when, completely drunk, he physically attacks Ali. Parvez’s drinking puts strain on his relationship with Ali—who berates his father for drinking because it violates a basic tenet of the Koran—and thus represents his departure from his Pakistani life and culture. Parvez’s inability to quit drinking mirrors what Ali describes as Parvez’s  deep implication in Western culture. Parvez is as physically intoxicated with whiskey as he is metaphorically intoxicated by the materialistic and hedonistic culture of the West that he is so desperate to fully assimilate into.

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Whiskey Symbol Timeline in My Son the Fanatic

The timeline below shows where the symbol Whiskey appears in My Son the Fanatic. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
My Son the Fanatic
Immigration, Fathers, and Sons  Theme Icon
The Role of Women  Theme Icon
...on the walls, Parvez is disturbed enough that he can’t sleep. He starts drinking more whiskey, even on the job. Parvez is a taxi driver, and most of his coworkers are... (full context)
Immigration, Assimilation, and Radicalization Theme Icon
Immigration, Fathers, and Sons  Theme Icon
The West and Islam  Theme Icon
The Role of Women  Theme Icon
...the start of the meal, the waiter, a friend of Parvez’s, brings him his usual whiskey and water. Immediately, this sets off a fierce debate between Parvez and Ali. Ali scolds... (full context)
Immigration, Assimilation, and Radicalization Theme Icon
Immigration, Fathers, and Sons  Theme Icon
The West and Islam  Theme Icon
...home in silence. Ali retreats to his room while Parvez retreats to his bottle of whiskey. Parvez pours himself drink after drink and attempts to distract himself with TV and the... (full context)