

Cate Kennedy

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on Tender makes teaching easy.

Jamie Character Analysis

Jamie is Christine and Al’s seven-year-old son. He seems to have inherited his father’s laid-back and absentminded personality, forgetting about his school project—or simply putting it off—until the night before it is due. His presence disrupts Christine’s need for order and control, as he leaves bike tracks all over the garden and action figures scattered across the floor—a sharp contrast from her earlier hopes of him developing into a responsible older brother who would read calmly to his sister. However, Jamie’s focus on his project once he starts working on it triggers Christine’s intense parental love. She works late into the night to complete the project, not wanting him to feel disappointed or embarrassed by bringing an unfinished diorama to school.

Jamie Quotes in Tender

The Tender quotes below are all either spoken by Jamie or refer to Jamie. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
The Illusion of Control Theme Icon
Tender Quotes

God, sometimes he's so like Al it scares her.


She watches his serious seven-year-old face consider this, and wants to take his arm and plant a kiss on the faded temporary tattoo of Buzz Lightyear there on his skinny bicep.


She feels the ardent rush of helpless, terrible love. ‘Let’s do it.’

Related Characters: Christine (speaker), Jamie
Page Number: 65
Explanation and Analysis:

She creeps into her daughter's room, and stands listening to the rhythmic steadiness of Hannah's breathing, gazes at her sprawled sideways on the bed as if she's just landed from a great height. Hannah: healthy, respiring, her cells a blur of miraculously multiplying and flowering growth, life coursing through her, flawless, down to the last crescent-moon fingernail.

Christine, who once slept with a hand cupped around that tiny kicking foot, praying for a safe delivery, now stands holding scissors and a page of silver stars, making impossible bargains at the speed of light. Her own heart knocking in her chest and something else, something dark and airless, trickling through her bloodstream, that black, dense shadow on the ultrasound searching for somewhere to colonise. Her feet take her into Jamie's room and she stands gazing at him too. Her children, perfect, made with her own once-trustworthy body.

Related Characters: Christine (speaker), Jamie, Hannah
Page Number: 69
Explanation and Analysis:
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Tender PDF

Jamie Quotes in Tender

The Tender quotes below are all either spoken by Jamie or refer to Jamie. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
The Illusion of Control Theme Icon
Tender Quotes

God, sometimes he's so like Al it scares her.


She watches his serious seven-year-old face consider this, and wants to take his arm and plant a kiss on the faded temporary tattoo of Buzz Lightyear there on his skinny bicep.


She feels the ardent rush of helpless, terrible love. ‘Let’s do it.’

Related Characters: Christine (speaker), Jamie
Page Number: 65
Explanation and Analysis:

She creeps into her daughter's room, and stands listening to the rhythmic steadiness of Hannah's breathing, gazes at her sprawled sideways on the bed as if she's just landed from a great height. Hannah: healthy, respiring, her cells a blur of miraculously multiplying and flowering growth, life coursing through her, flawless, down to the last crescent-moon fingernail.

Christine, who once slept with a hand cupped around that tiny kicking foot, praying for a safe delivery, now stands holding scissors and a page of silver stars, making impossible bargains at the speed of light. Her own heart knocking in her chest and something else, something dark and airless, trickling through her bloodstream, that black, dense shadow on the ultrasound searching for somewhere to colonise. Her feet take her into Jamie's room and she stands gazing at him too. Her children, perfect, made with her own once-trustworthy body.

Related Characters: Christine (speaker), Jamie, Hannah
Page Number: 69
Explanation and Analysis: