The Name of the Rose


Umberto Eco

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on The Name of the Rose makes teaching easy.

The Name of the Rose Theme Wheel

Looks like you're viewing this page on a mobile device. The The Name of the Rose Theme Wheel is a beautiful super helpful visualization of where the themes occur throughout the text. They're only accessible on tablets, laptops, or desktop computers, so check them out on a compatible device.

The Theme Wheel visualizes all of The Name of the Rose's themes and plot points on one page.


How does the Theme Wheel work?

  • Each wedge of the blue ring represents a chapter.
  • Each row of colored boxes extending from a wedge represents a part of the chapter. The closer to the blue ring, the closer to the beginning of the chapter.
  • The colors in each row indicate which themes are “active” in that part of the chapter.

The Theme Wheel is interactive.

  • Themes: Hover over or tap any of the themes in the Themes and Colors Key to show only that theme. Click a theme in the Themes Key to lock it.
  • Summary: Hover over or tap any row of colored boxes to read the summary associated with that row. Click the row to lock the summary.