The Sign of the Beaver


Elizabeth George Speare

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The Sign of the Beaver Characters


The protagonist of the novel, 13-year-old Matt spends six or seven weeks alone on his family’s rural Maine homestead while his father returns to Massachusetts for the rest of the family. When disasters strike—a passing… read analysis of Matt


Attean is a 14-year-old Native American boy whom Matt befriends over the course of the novel. He’s Saknis’s grandson. At first, Attean wants nothing to do with Matt—he scorns white people and their subpar… read analysis of Attean


Saknis is an older Native American man; he’s Attean’s grandfather and the chief of the beaver clan. He rescues Matt after bees attack him and nurses him back to health. From Matt’s earliest experiences… read analysis of Saknis

Matt’s Father

Matt’s father is a quiet, stoic man. He purchases land in Maine and takes Matt with him to build a cabin and clear the land, and he then returns to Massachusetts for Matt’s motherread analysis of Matt’s Father

Matt’s Mother

Matt’s mother stays behind in Quincy, Massachusetts with Matt’s sister Sarah while Matt and his father ready their homestead in Maine. Matt thinks of his mother often and remembers her as a kind, loving… read analysis of Matt’s Mother
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Sarah is Matt’s little sister. It’s unclear exactly how old she is. She’s brave, curious, and self-sufficient, though Matt isn’t willing or able to acknowledge these qualities until he’s been away from Sarah for… read analysis of Sarah

Attean’s Grandmother

Attean’s grandmother is a stern but regal, elderly Native American woman. Attean explains that she speaks no English and hates all white people, especially after white bounty hunters murdered Attean’s mother for her scalp… read analysis of Attean’s Grandmother


Arguably the only human antagonist in the novel, Ben is a former soldier who invites himself to eat and stay with Matt for a night—and he steals Matt’s rifle when he leaves in the morning… read analysis of Ben
Minor Characters
Marie is Attean’s little sister. She’s kind, compassionate, and spunky—Matt is struck by her comfort in the woods and the speed with which she navigates. Though they never meet, Matt believes that Marie would have been good friends with his sister, Sarah.