The Winslow Boy


Terence Rattigan

Desmond Curry Character Analysis

Desmond is the Winslow family’s hapless solicitor who is hopelessly in love with Catherine. Now forty-five, he used to be a successful cricket player but his athletic glory has long since faded. When Desmond learns of Catherine’s split from John, he hurriedly proposes to her even though he knows she will never love him.

Desmond Curry Quotes in The Winslow Boy

The The Winslow Boy quotes below are all either spoken by Desmond Curry or refer to Desmond Curry. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Principles and Sacrifice Theme Icon
Act 4 Quotes

CATHERINE: You don’t think the work I’m doing at the W.S.A. is useful?

ARTHUR is silent.

You may be right. But it’s the only work I’m fitted for, all the same. (Pause.) No, Father. The choice is quite simple. Either I marry Desmond and settle down into quite a comfortable and not really useless existence – or I go on for the rest of my life earning two pounds a week in the service of a hopeless cause.

Related Characters: Catherine Winslow (speaker), Arthur Winslow, Desmond Curry
Page Number: 87
Explanation and Analysis:
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Desmond Curry Quotes in The Winslow Boy

The The Winslow Boy quotes below are all either spoken by Desmond Curry or refer to Desmond Curry. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Principles and Sacrifice Theme Icon
Act 4 Quotes

CATHERINE: You don’t think the work I’m doing at the W.S.A. is useful?

ARTHUR is silent.

You may be right. But it’s the only work I’m fitted for, all the same. (Pause.) No, Father. The choice is quite simple. Either I marry Desmond and settle down into quite a comfortable and not really useless existence – or I go on for the rest of my life earning two pounds a week in the service of a hopeless cause.

Related Characters: Catherine Winslow (speaker), Arthur Winslow, Desmond Curry
Page Number: 87
Explanation and Analysis: