12 Rules for Life


Jordan B. Peterson

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12 Rules for Life Terms


Order refers to familiar territory and stable, predictable norms. While studying the world’s great mythical and religious stories, Peterson concluded that, to our ancestors, the most important elements in the world weren’t material things, but… read analysis of Order


Chaos refers to unexplored territory, the new and unexpected erupting in the midst of what’s commonplace and familiar. While studying the world’s great mythical and religious stories, Peterson concluded that, to our ancestors, the most… read analysis of Chaos


“Being” refers to reality. As Peterson uses it, the term refers especially to the burden and joy of human existence. Being inevitably involves suffering, but the key to not becoming overwhelmed by suffering, Peterson believes… read analysis of Being


Nihilism is a perspective on human life that basically views existence as meaningless. Such an attitude holds that since nothing ultimately matters, then it doesn’t matter how a person behaves. read analysis of Nihilism

Dominance Hierarchies

Dominance hierarchies are social structures in which successful creatures maintain a high, or dominant, social status—in terms of territory, resources, mating opportunities, and other valuable things—while others tend to get stuck in a low or… read analysis of Dominance Hierarchies
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Postmodernism is a philosophical school that emerged over the course of the 20th century, especially among radical Marxist thinkers like Jacques Derrida. Postmodernism tends to view distinctions in society primarily in terms of power… read analysis of Postmodernism