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All Summer in a Day: Introduction
All Summer in a Day: Plot Summary
All Summer in a Day: Detailed Summary & Analysis
All Summer in a Day: Themes
All Summer in a Day: Quotes
All Summer in a Day: Characters
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All Summer in a Day: Theme Wheel
Brief Biography of Ray Bradbury

Historical Context of All Summer in a Day
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- Full Title: All Summer in a Day
- When Published: March 1954
- Literary Period: Post-war/science fiction
- Genre: Science fiction
- Setting: A classroom on the planet Venus
- Climax: The sun comes out while Margot is locked inside a closet
- Antagonist: William and classmates
- Point of View: Third person
Extra Credit for All Summer in a Day
Community of Tomorrow Bradbury worked on the 1964 World’s Fair in New York alongside Walt Disney, and, years later, he helped Disney design the “Spaceship Earth” attraction at Epcot. Bradbury believed that the park could help demonstrate ways to avoid the kind of futures he wrote about: “If we can borrow some of the concepts of Disneyland and Disney World and Epcot, then indeed the world can be a better place,” he said.
Transit of Venus “All Summer in a Day” is one of several Bradbury stories about Venus. Coincidentally, the author died in 2012 during the brief transit of Venus—the last time the planet would cross between Earth and the sun for more than a century.