Childhood’s End


Arthur C. Clarke

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Professor Sullivan Character Analysis

Professor Sullivan is a marine scientist and a friend of Rupert’s whom Jan convinces to help him stow away aboard an Overlord ship. Professor Sullivan, like Jan, is one of the few remaining true scientists, studying Earth’s last frontier in the deepest parts of Earth’s oceans. Sullivan is cognizant of the fact that, although he has made many contributions to science, none of them are grand enough to cement his legacy in the history books. Sharing Jan’s boldness and desire to discover the unknown, as well as seeing an opportunity to do something that he will be remembered for, Sullivan quickly agrees to help Jan carry out his scheme. Sullivan is in the midst of building a replica whale for the Overlords to ship back to their home planet, and he adds a small room hidden in the whale’s body cavity for Jan to conceal himself in. With Jan inside, Sullivan delivers the whale to the Overlords, who load it in one of their supply ships and send it back to their planet, carrying Jan into space and beyond Earth’s solar system. As Sullivan sees Jan off, he realizes that he has grown fond of the young man, and hopes that he is not sending him to his death.
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Professor Sullivan Character Timeline in Childhood’s End

The timeline below shows where the character Professor Sullivan appears in Childhood’s End. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 11
The Fate of Humanity Theme Icon
Rupert tells Jan about the animals that Professor Sullivan, a marine scientist and personal friend of Rupert’s, is preparing to send: a sperm whale... (full context)
Utopia and Creative Apathy Theme Icon
The Fate of Humanity Theme Icon
Jan goes by submarine to visit Professor Sullivan in his laboratory deep in the Pacific Ocean where he does research and explores. When... (full context)
Utopia and Creative Apathy Theme Icon
The Fate of Humanity Theme Icon
Jan cautiously brings up the request he has come to make of Sullivan, beginning by asking him what he would do if the Overlords had barred him from... (full context)
Chapter 12 
Utopia and Creative Apathy Theme Icon
The Fate of Humanity Theme Icon
Sullivan is an excellent scientist who has made many discoveries, but he is aware that none... (full context)
Chapter 13
Science and Mysticism Theme Icon
Benevolent Dictatorship and Freedom Theme Icon
The Fate of Humanity Theme Icon
Jan visits Sullivan as they are building the frame of the sperm whale and Sullivan reveals that they... (full context)
Benevolent Dictatorship and Freedom Theme Icon
The Fate of Humanity Theme Icon
Later, Sullivan is surveying the finished display. With the sperm whale and giant squid put together, impressively... (full context)
Benevolent Dictatorship and Freedom Theme Icon
The Fate of Humanity Theme Icon
During his visit, Karellen is studying the whale that is about to be loaded. Sullivan is watching him, but cannot tell if Karellen suspects anything or not. Karellen explains to... (full context)
Science and Mysticism Theme Icon
Benevolent Dictatorship and Freedom Theme Icon
The Fate of Humanity Theme Icon
...tell by looking at the whale that a compartment for Jan is concealed inside it, Sullivan can’t help but wonder if Karellen is toying with them somehow. Karellen even asks about... (full context)
Utopia and Creative Apathy Theme Icon
The Fate of Humanity Theme Icon
Six hours before delivery, Sullivan expresses the stress he experienced during Karellen’s visit, and tells Jan that this is his... (full context)