Diary of a Wimpy Kid


Jeff Kinney

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Uncle Charlie Character Analysis

Greg likes Uncle Charlie because he usually gives good Christmas and birthday gifts. Greg is frequently disappointed by his gifts from his parents, so he tends to ask his indulgent uncle for the things he wants. However, Uncle Charlie is also a bit out-of-touch. For instance, this year he gives Greg a framed picture of himself, which perplexes Greg,
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Uncle Charlie Character Timeline in Diary of a Wimpy Kid

The timeline below shows where the character Uncle Charlie appears in Diary of a Wimpy Kid. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Ideals of Masculinity  Theme Icon
...and asked Greg to choose toys that were “more appropriate for boys.” Greg asked his Uncle Charlie for the Barbie Dream House instead, but to his dad’s dismay, Uncle Charlie simply bought... (full context)
Independence and Growing Up Theme Icon
...Rodrick gives Greg the “Lil Cutie” comic—which he knows Greg hates. Greg hopes that his Uncle Charlie will give him better gifts, but Uncle Charlie simply gives him a large framed picture... (full context)