Fresh Fruit, Broken Bodies


Seth Holmes

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The Triqui Migrants’ Coyote Character Analysis

An anonymous coyote helps Holmes and his Triqui companions cross the U.S.-Mexico border. He lets Holmes cross for free because of his noble intentions, while charging much poorer migrants thousands of dollars to help them cross. Holmes and his companions are forced to follow the coyote’s instructions without fully understanding where they are, what they are doing, or whether they will be betrayed or sold out to thieves or the police.
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The Triqui Migrants’ Coyote Character Timeline in Fresh Fruit, Broken Bodies

The timeline below shows where the character The Triqui Migrants’ Coyote appears in Fresh Fruit, Broken Bodies. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1: Introduction: “Worth Risking Your Life?”
Social Hierarchy and Violence Theme Icon
Labor and Immigration Policy Theme Icon
...Town to Border. Holmes remembers waiting in an empty, filthy apartment in Altar. His group’s coyote lets Holmes cross for free because of his noble purposes. The apartment’s owner comes to... (full context)
Global Pressures and Individual Choices Theme Icon
Labor and Immigration Policy Theme Icon
Crossing. Holmes recounts getting off the pickup truck and waiting for the coyote’s signal. His group has to pass through a dozen barbed-wire fences and run to avoid... (full context)