Goodbye to Berlin


Christopher Isherwood

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Christopher Isherwood

Christopher is the semi-autobiographical main character and narrator of Goodbye to Berlin. In the novel, he is a young writer who hopes to be successful and famous. Much of the novel is comprised of… read analysis of Christopher Isherwood

Sally Bowles

Christopher’s relationship with Sally Bowles is one of the central relationships in Goodbye to Berlin. Sally is based on the real-life cabaret singer Jean Ross, whom the real-life Isherwood befriended during his time… read analysis of Sally Bowles

Frl. Schroeder

Frl. Schroeder is the owner of the boarding house where Christopher and, later, Sally live in Berlin. She was formerly a wealthy woman, but the economic inflation that Germany experienced after World War I forced… read analysis of Frl. Schroeder

Fritz Wendel

Fritz Wendel is Christopher’s friend who introduces him to Sally Bowles. Fritz, Christopher, and Sally often go out to dive bars together. Before Christopher leaves Berlin for the final time, he and Fritz… read analysis of Fritz Wendel

Peter Wilkinson

Peter is Christopher’s fellow boarder during his time on Ruegen Island. He is an anxious man with almost no family or friends. He begins a relationship on Ruegen Island with the teenaged Otto Nowakread analysis of Peter Wilkinson
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Otto Nowak

Otto is Christopher’s fellow boarder on Ruegen Island. Otto has a transactional relationship with Peter, but he also has many other admirers. He is a teenaged boy when Christopher meets him. He loves… read analysis of Otto Nowak

Natalia Landauer

Natalia Landauer is the 18-year-old daughter of the wealthy Jewish Landauer family. She and Christopher strike up a friendship, often attending artistic events together and talking. After Christopher introduces Natalia to Sally, who makes… read analysis of Natalia Landauer

Bernhard Landauer

Bernhard Landauer is Natalia’s cousin. He is an eccentric man who runs the day-to-day operations of the Landauer department store. He and Christopher become friends, and Bernhard opens up to Christopher about his difficult… read analysis of Bernhard Landauer


Werner is a young communist whom Christopher befriends at the communist dive bars of Berlin. Werner is committed to communist cause and often demonstrates publicly. After he gets into a physical fight with a police… read analysis of Werner
Minor Characters
Frl. Mayr
Frl. Mayr is one of Frl. Schroeder’s boarders. She is a professional yodeler and a Nazi who often makes antisemitic comments.
Bobby is one of Frl. Schroeder’s boarders. He is a bartender at the Troika club and introduces Christopher to the nightlife culture of Berlin.
Klaus Linke
Sally Bowles falls in love with German pianist Klaus Linke. He eventually leaves her to take a job scoring films in England. However, Sally later finds out that she is pregnant with his child and proceeds to have an abortion without telling him.
Frl. Kost
Frl. Kost is one of the boarders at Frl. Schroeder’s boarding house. She is a young woman who works as a prostitute and has some wealthy clients. She also has an affair with Bobby. Frl. Kost eventually falls out with Frl. Schroeder and leaves the boarding house.
Clive is a wealthy man whom Christopher and Sally befriend. He takes them on outings and buys them gifts. After a while, he begins to plan a round-the-world trip for them all, but he ends up leaving Berlin without telling Christopher and Sally.
George P. Sandars/Paul Rakowski
George/Paul is the con man who attempted to steal money from Christopher (to whom he introduced himself as George) and later successfully steals money from Sally (to whom he introduced himself as Paul). When the police catch him, Sally and Christopher learn that he is actually a 16-year-old boy.
Frau Nowak
Frau Nowak is Otto’s mother. She often fights with Otto and the rest of her family members due to how hard she works as a homemaker. She is ill with a bad cough and goes to spend time at a sanatorium, where Otto and Christopher visit her.
Herr Nowak
Herr Nowak is Otto’s father. He is a working-class German man who tells Christopher stories of his time fighting in World War I.
Lothar Nowak
Lothar Nowak is Otto’s brother. He is older and studying to be an engineer. Otto’s parents often compare Otto to Lothar, whom they consider more industrious. He is also a member of the Nazi party and often goes to meetings while Christopher lives with the Nowak family.
Grete Nowak
Grete Nowak is Otto’s 12-year-old sister.
Pieps is a teenage boy whom Christopher befriends during his nights at the Alexander Casino. Pieps, who ran away from his abusive father, has traveled the world by himself and now resides in Berlin with his friends Gerhardt and Kurt.
Gerhardt and Kurt
Gerhardt and Kurt are Pieps’s friends. They spend their time at the Alexander Casino and shoplift to make a living.
Erna is one of Frau Nowak’s roommates at the sanatorium. During Christopher and Otto’s visit to the sanatorium, Christopher kisses Erna in a dreamlike state. It is the only instance of Christopher having a romantic or sexual contact in the novel.
Erika is Frau Nowak’s 18-year-old roommate at the sanatorium. During Christopher and Otto’s visit, Otto kisses Erika in a dreamlike state.
Frau Landauer
Frau Landauer is Natalia Landauer’s mother. After a mutual friend connects them, she welcomes Christopher to lunch with her family.
Herr Landauer
Herr Landauer is Natalia’s father. He is a successful Jewish businessman. Among other businesses, he owns the Landauer department store. Christopher is struck by Herr Landauer’s good-natured presence, kindness, and intelligence.
Rudi is a young man whom Christopher befriends in the communist dive bars of Berlin. Rudi is a member of a communist pathfinder group (similar to scouts), led by Uncle Peter. Christopher visits the clubhouse of the group and finds its reverent and “erotic” nature disturbing.
Uncle Peter
Uncle Peter is the leader of Rudi’s cult-like, boys-only pathfinder group. The group’s clubhouse and cult-like, erotic nature disturbs Christopher.