


Lin-Manuel Miranda

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General Charles Lee was George Washington’s second-in-command. He was put in charge at the Battle of Monmouth (in New Jersey), but he dishonored himself by urging his troops to flee the scene instead of fighting (“Stay Alive”). Lee was an object of much scorn and jealousy for Hamilton, who was envious of his prominent military position; in fact, the relationship between the two men grew so tense that John Laurens fought a duel with Lee on his best friend Hamilton’s behalf (“Ten Duel Commandments”).
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Charles Lee Character Timeline in Hamilton

The timeline below shows where the character Charles Lee appears in Hamilton. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Act 1: Stay Alive
Ambition and Mortality Theme Icon
Honor Theme Icon
To Hamilton’s outrage, Washington promotes a middling man named Charles Lee over him. At the Battle of Monmouth, Lee retreats, costing the Americans a victory. Hamilton... (full context)