


Lin-Manuel Miranda

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Philip Character Analysis

Played by the same actor as Laurens, Philip is Hamilton’s young son. who takes after his father in more ways than one: he is a skilled rapper and a brilliant wit, but he is also obsessed with old-school ideas of honor and too quick to anger. Ultimately, Philip dies after being shot in a duel defending his father (“Blow Us All Away”). Philip’s death is in some ways the central tragedy of the show, as Hamilton and his wife Eliza never recover from the loss (“It’s Quiet Uptown”).
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Philip Character Timeline in Hamilton

The timeline below shows where the character Philip appears in Hamilton. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Act 2: Take a Break
Stories vs. History Theme Icon
Honor Theme Icon
Meanwhile, Hamilton and Eliza’s son, nine-year-old Philip, learns to play piano, teaching himself to write melodies and raps about his father. In... (full context)
Act 2: Blow Us All Away
Collaboration, Disagreement, and Democracy Theme Icon
Honor Theme Icon
Philip is at college now, and he has grown to be just as charming and intelligent... (full context)
Ambition and Mortality Theme Icon
...the music stays cheery, Hamilton helps his son prepare for the duel. Finally, Eacker and Philip face off—but before Philip can count to 10, Eacker shoots, mortally wounding him. (full context)
Act 2: Stay Alive (Reprise)
Stories vs. History Theme Icon
...moves to a doctor’s house, where Eliza and Hamilton sing to their dying son. While Philip struggles to count to 10—a reference both to the duel and to his childhood piano... (full context)
Act 2: It’s Quiet Uptown
Stories vs. History Theme Icon
Ambition and Mortality Theme Icon
...follows the Hamiltons as they move uptown and try to adjust to a world without Philip in it. Then Hamilton joins in, narrating mundane routine in a way he never has... (full context)
Collaboration, Disagreement, and Democracy Theme Icon
Stories vs. History Theme Icon
Hamilton also apologizes to Eliza, expressing that if he could trade his life for Philip’s, he would. The song ends when Eliza takes Hamilton’s hand. “Forgiveness,” the company sings, and... (full context)
Act 2: The World Was Wide Enough
Stories vs. History Theme Icon
Honor Theme Icon
...Burr and Hamilton cross the water to New Jersey; they are near the spot where Philip was shot and killed. Burr points out that Hamilton was wearing his glasses at the... (full context)