

Charlotte Perkins Gilman

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The Herlandian Forest Symbol Analysis

The Herlandian Forest Symbol Icon

The well-kept Herlandian forests symbolize the relationship between Herlandians and nature. When Jeff, Van, and Terry first enter Herland, they are amazed by the fact that seemingly every square inch of forest is actually carefully cultivated, and every tree and bush bears edible fruit and nuts. This shows that the Herlandians maintain a healthy relationship between themselves and nature: they dedicate hours and labor to maintaining and protecting the forest, and in return the forest provides them with ample food throughout the year. Furthermore, the Herlandians do not ask for more from the land than what they need. There are no factories, railroads, over-cultivated land, or needless buildings; nor is there bad air, unclean water, or dead soil. By choosing nature over industrialism, the Herlandians have created a happier and healthier life for themselves. Nature, for the Herlandians, is not an insentient thing that should be exploited, but rather a living part of their community that they work with rather than on. This is clearly seen in how well the forests are cared for and used.

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The Herlandian Forest Symbol Timeline in Herland

The timeline below shows where the symbol The Herlandian Forest appears in Herland. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 2: Rash Advances
Community Theme Icon
...they are about 15 miles from the nearest city and proceed carefully through the Herlandian forest. The men still believe that there must be other men—the biggest threat to their safety—somewhere.... (full context)
Chapter 11: Our Difficulties
Gender Roles and Relationships  Theme Icon
...their own to do, Jeff, Van, and Terry often go with their wives to the forest. Still, the men yearn for private time with their wives as couples. This yearning, however,... (full context)