I, Rigoberta Menchú

I, Rigoberta Menchú


Rigoberta Menchu

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Guatemalan National Institute for Agrarian Transformation (INTA) Term Analysis

The INTA is a government institution in charge of land affairs in Guatemala. Rigoberta’s father appeals to them on many occasions, but they soon prove corrupt: they align with rich landowners and trick Rigoberta’s village into signing documents that actually deprive them of land.
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Guatemalan National Institute for Agrarian Transformation (INTA) Term Timeline in I, Rigoberta Menchú

The timeline below shows where the term Guatemalan National Institute for Agrarian Transformation (INTA) appears in I, Rigoberta Menchú. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 5: First Visit to Guatemala City
Tolerance vs. Resistance Theme Icon
Class, Race, and Inequality  Theme Icon
Ancestors, Tradition, and Community Theme Icon
Spirituality, Nature, and the Sacredness of Life Theme Icon
...City, Rigoberta accompanied her father to the offices of the National Institute for Agrarian Transformation (INTA), in charge of land issues. Her father explained to her that Indians like them can... (full context)
Chapter 15: Conflict with the Landowners and the Creation of the CUC
Class, Race, and Inequality  Theme Icon
Language, Education, and Power Theme Icon
...in order to appropriate it. Rigoberta’s father gathered signatures in the village to bring to INTA to defend their cause. However, he was then tricked into signing a paper he could... (full context)
Tolerance vs. Resistance Theme Icon
Class, Race, and Inequality  Theme Icon
Ancestors, Tradition, and Community Theme Icon
Spirituality, Nature, and the Sacredness of Life Theme Icon
...and to unite against the landowners. The tension grew among the two groups, and the INTA finally came to the village with a piece of paper, claiming that this would give... (full context)