


Walter Scott

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King Richard (the Black Knight)

Based on a historical figure, King Richard is the rightful heir to the English throne and brother of Prince John. In Ivanhoe, Richard is described as a tall, handsome, blue-eyed giant with great… read analysis of King Richard (the Black Knight)


Rebecca is the daughter of Isaac of York. She is an uncommonly beautiful woman, whose grace and noble bearing impress everyone from noble Ivanhoe to Prince John and King Richard, the putative rulers of… read analysis of Rebecca

Wilfred of Ivanhoe (the Palmer, the Disinherited Knight)

Wilfred of Ivanhoe is the son of Cedric the Saxon, disowned and disinherited by his father for loving Rowena and supporting King Richard. Ivanhoe leaves England and follows Richard to Palestine in the Third… read analysis of Wilfred of Ivanhoe (the Palmer, the Disinherited Knight)

Sir Brian de Bois-Guilbert

Sir Brian de Bois-Guilbert is a Templar Knight with incredibly worldly ambition and little regard for his Order’s religious observance. He is allied with Prince John, Maurice de Bracy, and Prior Aymerread analysis of Sir Brian de Bois-Guilbert


Isaac of York is a Jewish Englishman. He and his daughter Rebecca live a tenuous life in England, subject to racism, segregation, and prejudice for their cultural and religious identity. Much of Isaac’s character in… read analysis of Isaac
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Known to his friends and neighbors as “Cedric the Saxon” because of his resolute and staunch support of the Saxon cause against the conquering Normans, Cedric is the Thane of Rotherwood, the father of Wilfredread analysis of Cedric

Athelstane of Coningsburgh

A direct descendant of the last Saxon kings of England, Athelstane is a strongly-built, relatively handsome, somewhat dull-witted and irresolute man. He respects his “uncle” Cedric and goes along with Cedric’s plans for the restoration… read analysis of Athelstane of Coningsburgh

Locksley/Robin Hood (The Yeoman Archer)

The yeoman archer, who later names himself Locksley, is Ivanhoe’s version of traditional folk hero Robin Hood. He commands a band of robbers that includes the Cleric of Copmanhurst and Allan-a-Dale. He goes… read analysis of Locksley/Robin Hood (The Yeoman Archer)

Maurice de Bracy

Maurice de Bracy is the leader of a band of European mercenaries in England to support Prince John’s claim to the English throne. He and Waldemar Fitzurse are John’s most important advisors. De Bracy… read analysis of Maurice de Bracy

Waldemar Fitzurse

Waldemar Fitzurse is a loyal supporter of Prince John and his rebellion. In contrast to the spiteful and impulsive prince, Fitzurse is calculating, calm, and a smooth political operator. He uses his skills to rally… read analysis of Waldemar Fitzurse

Reginald Front-de-Boeuf

Reginald Front-de-Boeuf is a Norman baron who supports Prince John’s usurpation of the English throne and who is friends with Prior Aymer, Sir Brian de Bois-Guilbert, Philip de Malvoisin, Ralph deread analysis of Reginald Front-de-Boeuf


Gurth begins the book as Cedric’s swineherd; when Ivanhoe returns from the Third Crusade in disguise as the Disinherited Knight, Gurth runs away from Cedric to serve as his son’s squire. He is a… read analysis of Gurth


Wamba is Cedric’s jester and his most beloved servant. The book describes him as a perpetually fidgety man whose attention jumps from one subject to another and whose body remains constantly in motion. Loyal… read analysis of Wamba

Prince John

A historical figure, Prince John is the younger brother of King Richard, who tries to steal the throne while his brother is away on the Third Crusade. Ivanhoe paints Prince John as emblematic of… read analysis of Prince John

Lucas de Beaumanoir

Lucas de Beaumanoir is the Grand Master of the Templar Order to which Albert de Malvoisin and Sir Brian de Bois-Guilbert belong. Though he is an old man, the hardness brought to his features by… read analysis of Lucas de Beaumanoir


Rowena is the lovely young ward of Cedric the Saxon. Because her family has ties to ancient Saxon royalty, Cedric wants her to marry fellow royal descendant Athelstane of Coningsburgh, but she loves Cedric’s… read analysis of Rowena

Cleric of Copmanhurst

The Cleric of Copmanhurst, better known in stories about Robin Hood as “Friar Tuck,” is a monk-turned-outlaw member of Locksley’s band of woodsmen. A big, jovial man, he lives in a hermitage in the… read analysis of Cleric of Copmanhurst

Prior Aymer

Prior Aymer is a wealthy Norman monk allied with Prince John, Sir Brian de Bois-Guilbert, and their friends and co-conspirators. He points to the corruption and materialism of the Norman nobility in contrast… read analysis of Prior Aymer

Ulrica (Dame Urfried)

Ulrica is the daughter of the late Saxon Thane of Torquilstone. When a Norman baron murdered her family and stole their land, he kept Ulrica as his mistress. Ashamed of allying herself with the Saxons’… read analysis of Ulrica (Dame Urfried)

Lawrence Templeton

Lawrence Templeton is the pen name under which Walter Scott published Ivanhoe. He is also a character in the book, the first chapter of which takes the form of a letter Templeton writes to… read analysis of Lawrence Templeton

Philip de Malvoisin

Philip de Malvoisin is a friend and supporter of Prince John. As a Norman lord, he abuses the English subjects living near his lands. Along with Sir Brian de Bois-Guilbert, Reginald Front-de-Boeufread analysis of Philip de Malvoisin
Minor Characters
Reverend Dr. Jonas Dryasdust
Reverend Dr. Jonas Dryasdust is a clergyman and an academic, to whom Lawrence Templeton writes a letter explaining why he wrote Ivanhoe.
Albert de Malvoisin
Albert de Malvoisin, preceptor (leader) of the Templar Preceptory of Templestowe, is Philip de Malvoisin’s brother. A conniving, power-hungry, and mendacious man, he hides his love of vice under a veneer of obedience to his Order’s religious vows. King Richard has him executed alongside his brother Philip for treason.
Hugh de Grantmesnil
Hugh de Grantmesnil is a Norman noble who, along with Sir Brian de Bois-Guilbert, Philip de Malvoisin, Reginald Front-de-Boeuf, and Ralph de Vipont, issues the initial challenge for the tournament at Ashby-de-la-Zouche.
Ralph de Vipont
Ralph de Vipont is a Norman noble who, along with Sir Brian de-Bois-Guilbert, Philip de Malvoisin, Reginald Front-de-Boeuf, and Ralph de Vipont, issues the initial challenge for the tournament at Ashby-de-la-Zouche.
Higg is a disabled peasant who once received medical care from Rebecca; Beaumanoir and Albert de Malvoisin force him to testify against Rebecca during her witch trial, and afterwards he carries a message for her to Isaac.
Oswald is Cedric’s servant and cupbearer.
Alicia is Waldemar Fitzurse’s daughter.
Allan-a-Dale is a woodsman-minstrel and one of Locksley’s most trusted lieutenants.
Nathan Ben Samuel
Nathan Ben Samuel is a Jewish physician and friend of Isaac.
Conrade Mountfitchet
Mountfitchet is a Templar and an especially valued friend and counselor of Lucas de Beaumanoir.