


Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on Mahabharata makes teaching easy.

Śakuni Character Analysis

Śakuni is an advisor to Duryodhana, helping him come up with and carry out his plan to rob the Pandavas of their kingdom by exploiting Yudhishthira’s gambling addiction. Śakuni represents the dangers of pride and jealousy, since, while his scheme to take away the Pandavas’ kingdom seems to work at first, it ultimately leads to the downfall of the Kauravas.
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Śakuni Character Timeline in Mahabharata

The timeline below shows where the character Śakuni appears in Mahabharata. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1. Beginnings
Heroism and Warfare Theme Icon
Stories and Storytelling Theme Icon
Kripa is a Brahmin seer from Kuru. Śakuni is a mighty fighter in his chariot. Vidura is one of the wisest men in... (full context)
Chapter 2. The Hall
Dharma Theme Icon
THE GAMBLING MATCH. Duryodhana and Śakuni linger in Yudhishthira’s great hall. Duryodhana sees a crystal floor in the hall and thinks... (full context)
Dharma Theme Icon
Śakuni advises Duryodhana that Yudhishthira can’t be defeated in battle, so the best option is to... (full context)
Dharma Theme Icon
Yudhishthira arrives at Dhritarashtra’s palace. He meets with Śakuni, who invites him to throw dice with him. Yudhishthira has misgivings about whether gambling is... (full context)
Dharma Theme Icon
Śakuni proceeds to win many of Yudhishthira’s valuable possessions from him through using deceit and gambling.... (full context)
Dharma Theme Icon
Heroism and Warfare Theme Icon
Meanwhile, Śakuni continues gambling, telling Yudhishthira that he’ll keep going if Yudhishthira still has wealth left to... (full context)
Dharma Theme Icon
...thing Yudhishthira has left to wager is himself. He wagers himself and still loses to Śakuni. Now, Śakuni asks for one last throw: for Draupadi. Yudhishthira loses again, and Duryodhana prepares... (full context)
Dharma Theme Icon
Heroism and Warfare Theme Icon
...brothers head back to Dhritarashtra’s hall, even though Yudhishthira fears the worst.  At the hall, Śakuni explains the new competition and how it involves risking 12 years of exile in the... (full context)
Chapter 5. Perseverance
Dharma Theme Icon
Pursuing Enlightenment Theme Icon
Duryodhana refuses to accept their advice, and so he schemes with Śakuni about how to capture Krishna. But a wise warrior named Satyaki sees their conversation and... (full context)
Chapter 9. Salya
Dharma Theme Icon
Pursuing Enlightenment Theme Icon
Heroism and Warfare Theme Icon
...Bhima then slays what remains of Dhritarashtra’s sons (aside from Duryodhana). Sahadeva manages to decapitate Śakuni. Seeing no allies around, Duryodhana goes to a nearby lake to reflect on how Vidura’s... (full context)