Motherless Brooklyn


Jonathan Lethem

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Pinched, Indistinct, Chunky, and Pimples Character Analysis

Pinched, Indistinct, Chunky, and Pimples are a crew of four decidedly unintimidating thugs who are hired to threaten and “scare” Lionel away from the Yorkville Zendo. Lionel eventually realizes that the four of them are Zendo students who do the bidding of Gerard Minna, the Zendo’s Roshi (founder and teacher).
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Pinched, Indistinct, Chunky, and Pimples Character Timeline in Motherless Brooklyn

The timeline below shows where the character Pinched, Indistinct, Chunky, and Pimples appears in Motherless Brooklyn. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Bad Cookies
Mystery and the Futility of Answers Theme Icon
Language, Communication, and Understanding Theme Icon Lionel sizes the four of them up. He names them according to their appearances: Chunky, Pimples, Indistinct, and Pinched. The four men immediately begin arguing about where to drive. They... (full context)
Mystery and the Futility of Answers Theme Icon
Masculinity, Father Figures, and Mentorship Theme Icon
...Lionel dials the number—it is Loomis, who tells Lionel he has Ullman’s address for him. Chunky, overhearing the call, asks whose address Lionel is getting. When Lionel says that he’s getting... (full context)
Mystery and the Futility of Answers Theme Icon
Difference and Otherness Theme Icon
Pimples tries to get Lionel to tell him who was on the other end of the... (full context)
One Mind
Mystery and the Futility of Answers Theme Icon
Masculinity, Father Figures, and Mentorship Theme Icon
When Lionel opens his eyes, he sees more people have gathered in the room—and that Pinched and Indistinct are sitting a row ahead of him. Not wanting his stolen cell phone to go... (full context)